jeudi 29 octobre 2015

Template method specialization for multiple types

I have a class “A” which exposes the template method foo. Foo has a standard implementation which works fine with B,C. It also has a special implementation for D.

class A
  template<typename T>
  void foo()
    //standard implementation

  void foo<D>
    //special implementation

class B{};
class C{};
class D{};

int main()
  A<B> a1;
  A<C> a2;
  A<D> a3;

Now, I need to add the class E, which requires for "foo" the same special implementation as D. Is there a way to say something like: For all the types use the standard foo. For D,E (and so on) the special implementation.

class A
  template<typename T>
  void foo()
    //standard implementation

  void foo<D && E>  <-- PseudoCode - It doesn't work
    //special implementation

class B{};
class C{};
class D{};
class E{};

int main()
  A<B> a1;
  A<C> a2;
  A<D> a3;
  A<E> a4;

I was thinking to use the trait classes. But I was hoping there is something simpler to achieve this. Thanks

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