dimanche 26 février 2017

What is the best way to analyze implementations of algorithms in C++?

At present, I am implementing several simple search, sort, tree, graph and divide and conquer algorithms like Djikstra's, quicksort, minimax, etc. in C++.

I want to analyze my implementations by measuring mostly the time taken for execution and growth (increase in time taken as the input increases). If I can estimate the space occupied, it would be an added bonus.

I am currently using the functions available in ctime (time.h) to measure the running time of the functions which apply the algorithms. Is there any better or more accurate and reliable way to do the same? I am more than willing to learn some new features that might have come with C++11 and 14.

Is there any dedicated IDE though which I can achieve the above task by using features like profilers, etc?

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