jeudi 27 avril 2017


I need to create a program which prints a reciept but i dont know how to code in c++ as i make sooo many mistakes. If some one can help me i can pay in csgo skins :(

This is the assignment

Scenario 1

You are working as a trainee programmer for a software house. You have been sent to a cinema company and they require you to write a program that will calculate and print out the customer cinema ticket receipt.

The cinema has two films on show for each day. A program is needed to calculate each customer’s cinema receipt for a particular show. The program will print the customer receipt.

Your program must be user friendly with welcome and closing messages, clear input prompts and an on screen help system showing the user how to use the program

Choose your own Cinema name

How the program should work : When the cinema sales staff start the program they will be asked to enter their staff name, the date and which of two films the customer wants to see. The films are Deadpool and Goosebumps

Cinema ticket prices are charged as follows :

Ticket Prices Adult £10.30 Senior citizen 20% reduction Children half the Adult price

A customer’s booking for a particular show can be for a number of tickets, at different prices (e.g. one adult and two children, or one adult and one senior citizen etc.). The maximum number of customers in the cinema is 60 so the tickets purchased must be validated .

Calculate the cost of the number of tickets purchased by the customer

The screen should be cleared and the a customer receipt must be displayed, showing the Cinema name, Film seen , staff name, number of tickets purchased in each category, the total cost in each category and the total to be paid.

At the end of the day, after the sale of tickets to the last customer, the program should calculate and display the cinemas’ total sales income for both shows

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