mardi 30 mai 2017

Why std::chrono::time_point is not large enough to store struct timespec?

I'm trying the recent std::chrono api and I found that on 64 bit Linux architecture and gcc compiler the time_point and duration classes are not able to handle the maximum time range of the operating system. In fact it seems the storage for these classes is a 64bit integral type, compared to timespec and timeval which are internally using two 64 bit integers, one for seconds and one for nanoseconds:

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;

int main()
    cout << sizeof(time_point<nanoseconds>) << endl;                       // 8
    cout << sizeof(time_point<nanoseconds>::duration) << endl;             // 8
    cout << sizeof(time_point<nanoseconds>::duration::rep) << endl;        // 8
    cout << typeid(time_point<nanoseconds>::duration::rep).name() << endl; // l
    cout << sizeof(struct timespec) << endl;                               // 16
    cout << sizeof(struct timeval) << endl;                                // 16
    return 0;

On 64 bit Windows (MSVC2017) the situation is very similar: the storage type is also a 64 bit integer. This is not a problem when dealing with steady (aka monotonic) clocks, but storage limitations make the the different API implementations not suitable to store bigger dates and wider time spans, creating the ground for Y2K-like bugs. Is the problem acknowledged? Are there plans for better implementations or API improvements?

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