mardi 29 août 2017

C++11: Can I explicitly call a base class destructor to destroy the derived class?

I'm implementing a memory pool in C++11. All objects stored in the memory pool are required to inherit from the MemoryPoolObject class, but they may use multiple inheritance.

When I allocate a new object, I use malloc to create it, and then use the placement constructor - which I can do, because I know it's type (allocate() is a template function that takes the type as a template argument). I also store its size on the object on it (as a member variable of the MemoryPoolObject class).

When I deallocate the object, I want to call its destructor... but I no longer know the object type. I do know that it derives from MemoryPoolObject, which has a virtual destructor. So... if I make an explicit call to ~MemoryPoolObject(), will that do the right thing (including calling into the destructors of any multiply inherited base classes)?

Here's some code. It doesn't show how the unused objects get stored and retrieved in the pool... but that's really not relevant to the question at hand.

class BaseClass
    virtual ~BaseClass();

class MemoryPoolObject
    virtual ~MemoryPoolObject();

    // In reality I don't just expose this, but for simplicity...
    size_t m_ObjectSize;

class ChildClass : public BaseClass, public MemoryPoolObject
    virtual ~ChildClass();

// allocation (simplified)
template<class T> 
T* allocate()
    size_t objectSize = sizeof(T);
    T* obj = (T*)malloc(objectSize);
    new(obj) T();
    obj->m_ObjectSize = objectSize;

// deallocation (also simplified)
void deallocate(MemoryPoolObject* obj)
    // Does this call ~BaseClass() and ~ChildClass()?

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