mercredi 27 septembre 2017

copy object behind shared pointer containing a list of shared pointers

I have a shared_ptr<Tree> tree and a shared_ptr<TreeNode> node that contains a list of childrens as shared pointers.

class TreeNode
    std::weak_ptr<TreeNode> parent;

    A list containing the children of this node
    std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TreeEdge>>> children;


A Tree needs only to be given a TreeNode as its root.

Tree::Tree(const shared_ptr<TreeNode> root)
    : root(root)

So to create that sub Tree I try to get a TreeNode and call the Tree constructor with it.

shared_ptr<TreeNode> treeNode = oldTree->getASpecialNode();
shared_ptr<Tree> newTree = make_shared<Tree>(treeNode);

Now the root of newTree is treeNode. But the problem is, every TreeNode is pointing to its parent. So does treeNode.

weak_ptr<TreeNode> TreeNode::getParent() const
    return parent;

When calculating the root by going through the parents of any TreeNode in newTree, we will reach a different root node than newTreeNode, because newTreeNode itself has a parent.

Deleting that parent is no solution, because the object is shared and we will need it in the original Tree. So the only solution I see is to copy the TreeNode and copy all it's members.

How can I do that?

Based on other answers on SO I tried this:

std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> TreeNode::clone() const
    auto clone = new TreeNode (*this );
    return shared_ptr<TreeNode>(clone);

But still calculating the parents will lead to the original root node. So I wasn't able to create a sub tree.

I have the feeling that it's wrong to use shared_ptr for Tree and TreeNode, but it's not my code. I just need to add a feature.

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