mardi 31 octobre 2017

Converting pointer to member function to std::function

I have a slightly convoluted use case of passing a member function pointer to an outside function which is then called again by a member function (Don't ask!). I'm learning about std::function and std::mem_fn but I can't seem to be able to convert my old school function pointer

void (T::*func)(int) to a std::function<void (T::*)(int) func>

in the code below, I'd like to be able to pass a std::function to memFuncTaker in the call from anotherMember

#include "class2.hpp" 
#include <iostream> 

class outer{ 
  void aMember(int a){ 
    std::cout << a <<std::endl; 
  void anotherMember(double){ 
    memFuncTaker(this, &outer::aMember); 


template<class T> 
void memFuncTaker(T* obj , void (T::*func)(int) ){ 

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