lundi 25 décembre 2017

Pushing std::count result into vector

I want to create std::map with "T,int" but manually. I've copied std::set of data into clear vector, because I want to have an access to elements of unique elements. Here is a following code.

    template<typename T>
void foo<T>::function()
    std::set<T> unique_set(A.begin(), A.end());
    std::copy(A.begin(), A.end(), std::inserter(vector_uniq, vector_uniq.begin()));
    for (const auto&elem : vector_uniq)
        counter = std::count(A.begin(), A.end(), elem); // declared in header as unsigned int

Is it possible to push value of counter to another vector ? Then I would have two vectors of value and their occurences and those two vectors will be used in another function. That's why I would like to have separated containers. Thank's for all responses.

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