vendredi 27 juillet 2018

Prevent simultaneous function run


Here is a pseudo-code of what I'm looking for:

class A : public Base
    virtual int func();
    virtual int other_func();

class B : public Base
    virtual int func();
    virtual int other_func();

class MainFrame
    Base *CreateObject();
    int StartThread();
    int SomeOtherFunc();
    Base *m_base;

    m_base = NULL;

Base *MainFrame::CreateObject()
    if( <condition1> )
        m_base = new A();
        m_base = new B();

int MainFrame::StartThread()
    int result;
    while( !TestDestroy() )
        result = m_base->func();
        Sleep( 5000 );

int MainFrame::SomeOtherFunc()

So in a nutshell: I have 2 classes A and B derived from the same Base class. They both have 2 functions redefined from the Base (a lot more actually, but that's irrelevant). Each of those classes is located in its own DLL.

I also have a main GUI application that calls a method of either A or B by some conditions. It is also spawn a thread at some point of time. In the thread the program calls a function of class A/B.

Now what I'd like to do is to prevent an execution of other_func() when the func() is executing.

I probably should use mutex for that but now the question is - how do I design it? Should I instantiate mutex inside the function itself or on the call inside the MainFrame method? And does the mutex have to be a global variable in this case? Can it be a member of the Base class?

Again, func() call which happens from the secondary thread, should stop the call to any other method of Base until it finishes.


This is with C++11/MSVC 2010/gcc5.4.

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