jeudi 30 août 2018

Is it possible to set a deterministic seed for boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<>?

I'm using boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<boost::multiprecision::uint256_t> to generate some unit tests. Notice that I'm using multiprecision, which is why I need to use boost and not the standard library. For my periodic tests, I need to generate deterministic results from a nondeterministic seed, but in such a way where I can reproduce the results later in case the tests fail.

So, I would generate a true random number and use as a seed, and inject that to uniform_int_distribution. The purpose is that if this fails, I'll be able to reproduce the problem with the same seed that made the tests fail.

Does this part of boost support generating seed-based random numbers in its interface? If not, is there any other way to do this?

PS: Please be aware that the primary requirement is to support multiprecision. I require numbers that range from 16 bits to 512 bits. This is for tests, so performance is not really a requirement. I'm OK with generating large random numbers in other ways and converting them to boost::multiprecision.

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