mardi 27 novembre 2018

Choose correct return type of template member function

I have a template class that looks like this:

template <typename T, std::size_t M, std::size_t N> // MxN matrix with elements of type T
struct Mtx{...}

// component wise division
template <typename U> Mtx operator/(const Mtx<U, M, N> &rhs) const 
{ return componentDivide(*this, rhs); }

What is the best way to ensure that the return type of functions like operator / is "correct"?


Mtx<float> * Mtx<unsigned> = Mtx<float>
Mtx<float> * Mtx<int>      = Mtx<float>
Mtx<float> * Mtx<double>   = Mtx<double>
Mtx<double> * Mtx<float>   = Mtx<double>
Mtx<short> * Mtx<int>      = Mtx<int>

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