mardi 26 mars 2019

clang complains about constexpr function in case for switch statement

    enum class E

    static constexpr X A()
        return X{E::A};

    static constexpr X B()
        return X{E::B};

    constexpr operator E() const
        return a;
    E a;

template <typename T>
struct Y
    void f()
        // without this line clang errs
        const auto & x = this->x;
            case X::A():
            case X::B():
            default: return;

    X x = X::A();

int main()

Without the marked line in the snippet clang gives the following error, However I tried gcc and it compiled fine. Anybody knows if gcc is being lenient or clang has some bug?

error: case value is not a constant expression case


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