mardi 28 juillet 2020

Double free or corruption (fasttop) error when trying to use setter

I have created a basic class object with setter and getters based on the text book. The code work fine but when I attempt to change the data in name from Square to Circle, I get error : double free or corruption (fasttop).

Can someone enlighten me what is happening here? Is this due to some kind of memory allocation error?

Below is a reproducible code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class Shape
        string name;
        bool contains = false;
        Shape(string name, bool contains)
        string getName();
        bool getContains();
        string setName(string name);
        bool setContains(bool contains);

string Shape :: setName(string inputName)
    name = inputName;

bool Shape :: setContains(bool inputContains)
    contains = inputContains;

string Shape :: getName()
    return name;

bool Shape :: getContains()
    return contains;

int main()
    Shape object1("Square", true);
    cout << "Testing" << endl;
    cout << object1.getName() << endl;
    cout << object1.getContains() << endl;

    cout << object1.getName() << endl;
    return 0;


Interesting, when running the code in OnlineGDB without object1.setName("Circle"); and cout << object1.getName() << endl; will report a segmentation fault error. What is the way to tackle this issue?

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