lundi 25 janvier 2021

Working on Parser with Binary and unary node?

I now this is bit weird title but I hope you will understand what I am asking about. Few months back I worked on Interpreter program in python and that was kind of great but now I want to implement same in C++ but doing so is offering great problems to me as C++ is type strict.

Lets start of from what I did in my python program. First I created a Lexer that would separate everything into tokens (key-value pair) and I wrote a Parser which will convert a arithmetic grammar into Operation Nodes as BinaryOpNode, UnaryOpNode, and NumberNode. ex- (-2+7)^3 will be converted into AST as a Binary Node having left node as another Binary Node, operator as POW(power) and right node as Number node of 3. Left Node of this node is Binary Node whose Left Node is Unary Node (MINUS and a Number Node 2), opeartor as PLUS and Right Node as Number Node 7.

I did this by identifying expression, term and factor. I have wrote a Lexer in C++ but having problem in Parser. Please help me to do same in C++.

What I have done so Far??

I tried something weird but kind of working. I created a class BinaryOpNode with two void* members for Right and left Node, A Enum member for operation between Rt and Lt node. Now two another boolean members for both nodes which would help to now what type of void* Lt and Rt are? Are they UnaryOpNode or BinaryOpNode(default). This will help me to typecast the Node into respective types.

However I am not satisfied with my results as they look like less optimized and also I can't keep track of NumberNode this way.


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