dimanche 29 août 2021

Why type checking is not happening for std::function?

#include <functional>

void toggleOk(bool& b) { b = !b; }
void toggleBroken(bool b) { b = !b; }
void toggleInt(int i) { i = !i; }
void tooManyParams(bool b, int i) { i = !b; }

int main()
    typedef std::function<void(bool&)> CallbackType;
    typedef std::function<void(bool)> WrongCallbackType;

    CallbackType cb1 = [](bool b) { b = !b; }; // Should throw error - missing reference
    CallbackType cb2 = toggleOk; // Ok

    CallbackType cb3 = toggleBroken; // Should throw error - missing reference
    CallbackType cb4 = toggleInt; // Should throw error - integer instead of bool

    WrongCallbackType cb5 = toggleBroken; // Ok

    CallbackType cb6 = cb5; // Type checking not even applying between std::functions

    CallbackType cb7 = tooManyParams; // Only this statement throws error

    return 0;

Consider the above example, which is creating a bunch of callbacks that have reference to bool as a parameter. Except the very last callback cb7, this code can compile and run just fine, even though most of the functions stored in the callback objects mismatch the reference or type of the parameter.

I've encountered this behavior with VS19/C++20 with the lambda stored in the std::function, however I've tried this example with two distinct G++ compilers for Windows, with extra diagnostics enabled and with C++17/C++2a and none reported even a warning.

My question is - is this an expected behavior or is it a bug? Why?

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