jeudi 3 février 2022

Is there a way to detect if a given header of the C++ Standard Library is included?

More specifically, is it possible to detect, at compilation time, if a C++ standard header file is included (let say <complex>), and do that in a way that is cross-plateform and cross-compiler ? I'd like it to work with C++11 at least, but for the question's sake, is it possible for any C++ standard ?

I know the implementation of the C++ Standard Library is dependent on the compiler and operating system, but is there a standardized guard name for the header, a macro that I can check the existence of ?

I've run into this : Detect usage of STL in C++ , which is a hack not to use the headers, and this : Is there a way to detect portably that a standard header is included using macros?, which answers with a C++17 feature, and is in fact more about detecting a function.

What I want is to be able to write some preprocessor instruction at a given point in the code that will tell whether the header is included (yet). I checked the source code of (an implementation of) <complex> as an example, and _GLIBCXX_COMPLEX is defined, but probably only for this implementation.

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