vendredi 5 mai 2023

C++ std::Bind function instance error with placeholder

Need help to identify what am I doing wrong.

I am trying to use _1 ,_2 for to find instance of the class object to bind a function.

class CL_2 {

        void set_item(item_t* item){

class CL_1{

    CL_2** cl_2_inst;
        for(int i =0; i<2; i++){
            cl_2_inst[i] = new CL_2();

    public :
       CL_2* get_cl_2(int inst_num){ return this->cl_2_inst[inst_num]; }

class CL_0{

    CL_1** cl_1_inst;

        for(int i =0; i<2; i++){
            cl_1_inst[i] = new CL_1();

    public :
        CL_1* get_cl_1(int inst_num){ return this->cl_1_inst[inst_num]; }

        using cl_type = function<void(int, int, item_t*)>;
        cl_type cl_set_item = std::bind(&CL_2::set_item, get_cl_1(_1)->get_cl_2(_2), _3);


int main(){

    CL_0 *cl = new CL_0();
    cl->cl_set_item(0, 1, item);


I get following compilation error.

rror: cannot convert ‘const std::_Placeholder<1>’ to ‘int’
   36 |   cl_type cl_set_item = std::bind(&CL_2::set_item, get_cl_1(_1)->get_cl_2(_2), _3);
      |                                                             ^~
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             const std::_Placeholder<1>

I was hoping to use arguments (_1/_2) itself to bind to correct instance of function.

If this is not acceptable, can you please recommend how I can achieve this ?

Thanks in advance

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