lundi 29 décembre 2014

static_cast with an explicit rvalue conversion operator

I am writing a simple wrapper class, and I want to provide explicit conversion operators to the wrapped type. The following code compiles fine with gcc

class wrap
double value;
explicit wrap(double x) : value(x) {}
explicit operator double&&() && { return std::move(value); }

int main() {
wrap w(5);
double && x (std::move(w) ); //ok
double && y = static_cast<double&&>(std::move(w)); //clang reports an error here

But clang reports an error: cannot cast from lvalue of type 'typename std::remove_reference<wrap &>::type' (aka 'wrap') to rvalue reference type 'double &&'; types are not compatible.

As far as I know (see the latest draft, 5.2.9 §4) static_cast<T>(e) has the same semantic has T t(e), but clang does not refuse the latter.

Which compiler is right?

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