samedi 27 février 2016

A little hazy about std::ref() and std::bind() with variadic templates

I have read many posts about variadic templates and std::bind but I think I am still not understanding how they work together. I think my concepts are a little hazy when it comes to using variadic templates, what std::bind is used for and how they all tie together.

In the following code my lambda uses the dot operator with objects of type TestClass but even when I pass in objects of type std::ref they still work. How is this exactly? How does the implicit conversion happen?

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
using std::forward;

class TestClass {
    TestClass(const TestClass& other) {
        this->integer = other.integer;
        cout << "Copy constructed" << endl;
    TestClass() : integer(0) {
        cout << "Default constructed" << endl;
    TestClass(TestClass&& other) {
        cout << "Move constructed" << endl;
        this->integer = other.integer;

    int integer;

template <typename FunctionType, typename ...Args>
void my_function(FunctionType function, Args&&... args) {
    cout << "in function" << endl;
    auto bound_function = std::bind(function, args...);

int main() {

    auto my_lambda = [](const auto& one, const auto& two) {
        cout << one.integer << two.integer << endl;

    TestClass test1;
    TestClass test2;
    my_function(my_lambda, std::ref(test1), std::ref(test2));

    return 0;

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