samedi 30 avril 2016

C++ Template Variadic - Call a member function once for every template argument

I have an EntityComponent-System and there's one component which should call functions on various other components. For this example here I've chosen a simple combination of the results of a boolean function.

The ResultCombinerComponent has variadic template arguments and for each of these arguments it should call a function, in the order that the template arguments are given. The order is very important.

Afterwards the results of the function calls are combined.

In the code below I just replaced the parts that I don't know how to achieve with psuedo-C++

template<typename... Args>
class ResultCombinerComponent
    template<typename T> 
    bool calcSingleResult()
        return getComponent<T>()->calcResult();

    bool calcResult()
        bool result = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof...(Args); i++)  // doesn't work
            if (!calcSingleResult<Args(i)>()  // doesn't work
                result = false;
        return result;


class A
    bool calcResult();
class B
    bool calcResult();
class C
    bool calcResult();

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