Hi I am not sure that this is possible since but I thought of asking since there might be better ways of achieving something similar that I am not aware of. For simplicity lets just consider that VectorT
template<class T>
class VectorT: private std::vector<T>`
An attempt to what I wanted to have is something along the lines of.
namespace detail
template<class SmartPtr>
class MyClassVectorBase : public VectorT<SmartPtr>
MyClassVectorBase() = default;
// all common functions of MyVectorView and MyVector
using MyClassVectorView = detail::MyClassVectorBase<nonstd::observer_ptr<SomeClass>>;
class MyVector : public detail::MyClassVectorBase<std::unique_ptr<SomeClass>>
// only functions related to the actual owner vector
What I am hoping is that MyClassVectorBase can be templated only on the smart pointer type and only accept SomeClass. I thought that it might be possible with a specialization but I got no idea what the syntax for something like that would be
template<class T, class SmartPtr>
class MyClassVectorBase : public VectorT<SmartPtr<T>>
template<SomeClass T, typename SmartPtr>
class MyClassVectorBase : public VectorT<SmartPtr<T>>
Is something like that even possible ?
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