lundi 28 novembre 2016

Compilation failure when deducing the return type of an auto function in an unevaluated context

I have some machinery get_return_type that can be used in an unevaluated context to deduce the return type of a function without needing to supply the argument types:

template <typename Result, typename... Args>
Result get_return_type(Result (*)(Args...));

int example(double, char, bool);

// will be int
using result_type = decltype(get_return_type(example));

However if the function is a template, and its return type is auto, all version of GCC I've tried fail to compile. Clang works perfectly.

namespace TemplatedFunctionReturningAutoTest
    template <typename T>
    auto foo(T v) { return v; }

    // GCC complains that Result type cannot be deduced in
    // template substitution of get_return_type
    static_assert(std::is_same<int, decltype(get_return_type(foo<int>))>::value, "");

Here it is on godbolt (gcc 6.2):

If you switch to clang 3.x it works fine! It feels like GCC is reluctant to instantiate the body of the function to figure out its return type.

Is this a GCC bug, or is there something in the standard that prevents this from working?

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