I have implemented the linked list class however I am not sure how to go about making it point to another linked list. I want to have it so that within the same class to have 3 pointers. One for data, one for next and lastly one for the other linked list.
Can someone point to me in the right direction.
Header File
class Node{
typedef int value_type;
//COSTRUCTOR- get two values link and positive integer
Node(const value_type& i_data = value_type(), Node *i_link= nullptr) //value_type()=0 //Constructor
this->data_field = i_data;
this->link_field= i_link;
//Member functions to set the data and next;
void set_data(const value_type& new_link);
void set_next(Node *new_next);
//Constant member function to retrieve the current data:
value_type get_data()const;
//Two slightly different members functions te retrieve current link
Node* get_next();
const Node* get_next() const;
//friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, Node& p);
Node* link_field;
value_type data_field;
size_t LinkedList_size(const Node* headptr);
void LinkedListInsertAtHead( Node*& headptr, const Node::value_type& entry);
// LinkedList_insert_at(list,input, 99);
void LinkedList_insert_at( Node*& headptr, int index, const Node::value_type& entry);
void LinkedList_delete( Node*& headptr);
void LinkedList_delete_from(Node*& headptr,int index);
void LinkedList_print(const Node* headptr);
Implementation File
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "node.h"
// Node(const value_type& data, Node* next);//consturctor
void Node::set_data(const value_type& new_data) { this-> data_field = new_data; }
void Node::set_next(Node* new_next) { this-> link_field = new_next; }
Node::value_type Node::get_data() const { return this-> data_field; }
Node* Node::get_next() { return this-> link_field; }
const Node* Node::get_next() const { return this-> link_field; }
size_t LinkedList_size(const Node* headptr) //point to a const node
/// Node* = {[n1] [n2] [n3] [n4] [n5] [n5] } ,@t first: headptr = n1;
/// curr = n1; curr = headptr
/// curr = n1->n2, curr= curr-> headptr
size_t count = 0;
for(const Node* curr = headptr; curr != nullptr; curr = curr->get_next())
return count;
void LinkedListInsertAtHead( Node*& headptr, const Node::value_type& entry)
headptr = new Node(entry, headptr);//inserts and return a new address
void LinkedList_insert_at( Node*& headptr, int index, const Node::value_type& entry)
//0->O->O ->O
//insert_at(0): N->->O->O ->O
//insert_at(1): O->O->O->O ->O
//insert_at(n=4): O->O->O->O ->N
LinkedListInsertAtHead(headptr, entry);
Node* node_before = nullptr;
Node* node_after = headptr;//->get_next();
for(int i = 0; i < index; ++i)
node_before = node_after;
node_after = node_after->get_next();
Node* insert_node= new Node(entry, node_after);
void LinkedList_delete( Node*& headprt)
// 36[data] 46[dat] 94[data] [] [] [] []
Node* curr = headprt; //delete [data] and address"36"
headprt = headprt->get_next();//assign to ->46[data]
delete curr;
void LinkedList_delete_from(Node*& headptr,int index)
Node* node_before = nullptr;
Node* curr = headptr;//->get_next(); //curr short for current
for(int i=0; i<index; ++i)
node_before = curr;
curr = curr->get_next();
delete curr;
void LinkedList_print(const Node* headptr)
const Node* temp = headptr;
while(temp!= nullptr)
//cout insertion operator
std::cout << temp->get_data() <<" ";
temp = tempp->get_next();///will connect to next data []->get_next(return this->[next])->[]->nullptr
while(headptr != nullptr)
std::cout << headptr->get_data()<<" ";
headptr = headptr->get_next();///will connect to next data []->get_next(return this->[next])->[]->nullptr
std::cout<<std::endl;//to skip a line
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