mardi 20 mars 2018

Best Scheduler/timer Library in c++ [on hold]

Case Study: Let's assume three nodes A, B and C, within communication range of each other try to access the wireless medium using TDMA. Each node transmits in its own slot.

So I thought of creating a scheduler(say 10second) which will schedule an event for the end of the time frame.

After some searching I found some c++ libraries Boost::Timer, std::chorno(timer for high resolution precision) POCO and ICE. I tried searching for difference between these libraries but can't find which one is best to get high precision result.


  • What are the difference between these libraries.

  • How to create timer events using C++ 11?

  • I need something like: “Call me after 10 second(time frame) from

  • The performance of the program and reliablity of the scheduler timer is important

Using linux environment.

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