How do I get the following to put the index of the parameter pack element in the tuple?
template< typename... Ts >
class ClassA {
ClassA( Ts... ts ) : tup( make_tuple( ts, 0 )... ) {}
// I would like it to expand to this.
// ClassA( T0 ts0, T1 ts1 ) : tup( make_tuple( ts0, 0 ), make_tuple(ts1, 1) ) {}
tuple<tuple<Ts, size_t>...> tup;
void main() {
vector<int> a ={ 2, 4, 5 };
list<double> b ={ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 };
ClassA<vector<int>, list<double>, vector<int>, list<double>> mm( a, b, a, b );
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