I'm having trouble getting my head around this simple rule from cpp reference;
If no user-defined move assignment operators are provided for a class type (struct, class, or union), and all of the following is true:
there are no user-declared copy constructors;
there are no user-declared move constructors;
there are no user-declared copy assignment operators;
there are no user-declared destructors;
the implicitly-declared move assignment operator would not be defined as deleted, (until C++14)
THEN the compiler WILL declare a move assignment operator as an inline public member of its class with the signature T& T::operator=(T&&).
With this in mind, consider
struct bar
bar(int i) : _i(i) {};
bar (const bar& other) { };
bar (bar& other) { };
int _i;
Followed by this, say;
bar b2(2);
bar b3(3);
cout << "b3._i " << b3._i << endl << endl;
b3 = std::move(b2);
cout << "b3._i " << b3._i << endl;
The output we get is;
b3._i 3
b3._i 2
So here we have a move happening;
b3 = std::move(b2);
I didn't define that move assignment operator, so its been implicitly defined for me by the compiler. However I have broken the conditions laid down, I HAVE a user defined copy ctor.... however there is still a move happening by the compiler generated one. I'm clearly misinterpreting the text, can anybody be so good as to enlighten me?
Thanks and have a nice day.
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