jeudi 1 mars 2018

why this definition of a derived class is illegal?

Why the derived class Derived_from_Private is illegal? i noticed the member function has an reference to Base, but why it cannot have an reference to Base class?

class Base {
  void pub_mem(); // public member
  int prot_mem; // protected member
  char priv_mem; // private member

struct Pub_Derv : public Base {
  // legal
  void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Priv_Derv : private Base {
  // legal
  void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Prot_Derv : protected Base {
  // legal
  void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Derived_from_Public : public Pub_Derv {
  // legal
  void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Derived_from_Private : public Priv_Derv {
  // illegal
  void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

struct Derived_from_Protected : public Prot_Derv {
  // legal
  void memfcn(Base &b) { b = *this; }

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