I have supplied code from a demo and the type associated with the fonts are of type void *
Here is the type of the font as declared in vscode
#define GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 (&glutBitmapHelvetica18)
Expands to:
I am trying to write a quick little conditional to check whether the font is from a list or not.
if (find(begin(fonts), end(fonts), reinterpret_cast<char*>(font) ) != end(fonts))
I am using an iterator to iterate through an array of strings.
array<string, 7> fonts = {
"GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15" };
My issue is that since all the elements in that array are strings it is throwing a type error between the void *
and the string
. I am not too sure how to cast the type to a string
or if there is a better way of checking if that void *
is within the array or even a simple list of possible options.
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