lundi 17 juin 2019

3 maximum sums of the elements from structures in vector

I need to display 3 students with the highest exam points(the sum of them) Exams are : math,physics,english,attestat. There is only entering and displaying data in code. It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details. It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct Mystruct
    string surname;
    int birthday;
    double math;
    double physics;
    double english;
    double attestat;


int main()
    vector<Mystruct> Myvector;
    int n;

    cout << " Enter amount of students";
    cin >> n;

    for (int i = 0; i <n; ++i)
        cout << "Surname - " << endl;
        cin >> Myvector[i].surname;
        cout << "Birthday date - " << endl;
        cin >> Myvector[i].birthday;
        cout << "Math -" << endl;
        cin >> Myvector[i].math;
        cout << "Physics -" << endl;
        cin >> Myvector[i].physics;
        cout << "English -" << endl;
        cin >> Myvector[i].english;
        cout << "Attestat -" << endl;
        cin >> Myvector[i].attestat;


  cout <<"Surname:" << "\t" << "Birthday" << "\t" << "Math:" << "\t" << "Physics:" << "\t" << "English:" << "\t" << "Attestat:" << endl;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        cout << Myvector[i].surname << "\t" << Myvector[i].birthday << "\t\t" << Myvector[i].math << "\t" <<Myvector[i].physics << "\t\t" <<Myvector[i].english << "\t\t" << Myvector[i].attestat << endl;

    /* double max = Myvector[0].math + Myvector[0].physics + Myvector[0].english + Myvector[0].attestat;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
        if (Myvector[0].math + Myvector[0].physics + Myvector[0].english + Myvector[0].attestat > max)
    return 0;

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