jeudi 18 février 2021

push_back using the move constructor does not call the destructor?

The following code creates a temporary object A and pushes it into a vector. The copy constructor is deleted and the move constructor is called during the push_back. I am not sure the design of this code is correct, and surely there is a memory leak.

using namespace std;

class A
  A(const string& str)
    ptr = new char[str.size()];
    copy(str.begin(), str.end(), ptr);
    cout << ptr << " Constructor\n" ;

  A(const A& a) = delete;    // copy constructor
  A( A&& a)                
    cout << "Move constructor\n";
    ptr = a.ptr;
    a.ptr = nullptr;

    cout << ptr << " Destructor\n";
    delete[] ptr;
    ptr = nullptr;

  void print()
    cout << ptr << endl;

  char* ptr; 

int main()
  vector<A> v;

  v.push_back( A("hello")  );
  cout << "here" << endl;
  return 0;

The output is:

    hello Constructor
    Move constructor

Why the print function doesn't print, and the destructor is not called? Thanks

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