mardi 6 avril 2021

Is 11 a valid output under ISO c++ for x86_64,arm or other arch?

This question is based on Can't relaxed atomic fetch_add reorder with later loads on x86, like store can? I agree with answer given. On x86 00 will never occur because a.fetch_add has a lock prefix/full barrier and loads can't reorder above fetch_add but on other architectures like arm/mips it can print 00. I have a two followup question about store buffer on x86 and arm.

On 4 cpu x86_64 core i3

  • Thread 1 runs calling foo and performing fetch_add, now a is 1 before b.load()
  • Thread 2 runs calling bar and performing fetch_add, now b is 1 before a.load()
  • Now the updated values of a and b from store buffer of cpu 1 and 2 becomes visible (after some indeterminate amount of time) and both loads of a and b return 1 1.
  • I never get 11 on my pc (core i3 x86_64) i.e is 11 a valid output on x86 in iso c++ , so am i missing something ?
  • Now x86_64 has an advantage fetch_add acting as a full barrier.
  • For arm64 , output can be 00 sometimes due to cpu instruction reordering.
  • For arm64 or some other arch, can the output be 00 if without reordering ?. My question is based on this. The store buffer values for function foo a.fetch_add(1) is not visible to bar's a.load() and b.fetch_add(1) is not visible to foo's b.load(). Hence we get 00 without reordering.
// g++ -O2 -pthread axbx.cpp  ; while [ true ]; do ./a.out  | grep "00" ; done
using namespace std;
atomic<int> a,b;
int reta,retb;

void foo(){
        a.fetch_add(1,memory_order_relaxed); //add to a is stored in store buffer of cpu0

void bar(){
        b.fetch_add(1,memory_order_relaxed); //add to b is stored in store buffer of cpu1

int main(){
        thread t[2]{ thread(foo),thread(bar) };
        t[0].join(); t[1].join();
        return 0;

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