mardi 6 avril 2021

Template Specialization Based Upon is_pointer Trait

I am sure this has been answered before however, I am not sure what the correct terminology/wording of my question is.

Take the following example class:

class Fooable {
    int foo(int a);

I want to write a template class that can call the foo() method of any generic type regardless if it is a pointer type or a reference as such:

template <typename T>
class FooableCaller {
    void useFooWithSomeContext(?) {
        //This method needs to use the foo() method of some Fooable to
        int a = _getA();
        int b; //Returned from foo()

        //Depends on if the Fooable passed as an argument is a pointer or reference type
        //b =;
        //b = fooable->foo(a);

    int _getA();
    void _doWork(int a);

int main() {
    Fooable f1;
    std::shared_ptr<Fooable> f2 = std::make_shared<Fooable>();

    //If I want to call foo() of f1, I have to do;
    //If I want to call foo() of f2, I have to do f2->foo();
    //What is the correct want to write FooableCaller so that useFooWithSomeContext is select to use either . or -> depending on if T is reference or a pointer?

    FooableCaller<?> fc1;
    FooableCaller<?> fc2;


Is this a good place to use the std::is_pointer trait? And, if yes, how do I use it properly?

I hope this makes sense.

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