jeudi 22 juillet 2021

How to create a list of class types, in order to repeatedly call a template function by iterating through it?

I am working with protobufs in C++. Currently, I have a function that receives the protobuf name and the serialized protobuf data. Based on the name, it calls a decode function template to convert the data to json. Sample code:

template <typename T>
static bool DecodeToJson( const std::string& protostring )
    T protobuf;
    if( protobuf.ParseFromString( protostring ) == false )
        return false;

    std::string jsonstring;
    google::protobuf::util::MessageToJsonString( protobuf, &jsonstring );
    std::cout << jsonstring;

    return true;

static bool ProtoDecode( const std::string& prototype, const std::string& protostring )
    if( prototype == "ethconfig" );
        return DecodeToJson<maxim::EthConfig>( protostring );

    if( prototype == "wificonfig" );
        return DecodeToJson<maxim::WifiConfig>( protostring );

    if( prototype == "bluetoothconfig" );
        return DecodeToJson<maxim::BluetoothConfig>( protostring );

    return false;

Whevener a new protobuf message is added, I have to manually add an 'if clause' to ProtoDecode( ), just to call DecodeToJson( ) with the correct template type. Although it's an easy edit in this sample code, the real code has many functions just like this, for different kinds of operations.

So what I wanted to do was to add the protobuf name and type to a global list, and change ProtoDecode( ) and all other similar functions to something like:

static bool ProtoDecode( const std::string& prototype, const std::string& protostring )
    for( const auto& proto : protoList )
        if( prototype == );
            return DecodeToJson<proto.type>( protostring );

    return false;

This way, it would be much easier to "register" a new proto message. I know the above is incorrect code, but is there any way to achieve something similar?

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