jeudi 22 septembre 2022

error C2312 is thrown for ifstream::failure and ofstream::failure exceptions

I am writing a small application that modifies a text file. It first creates a copy of the file in case something goes wrong.

The following function creates this copy in the same directory. It takes the file's name as an argument and returns true if the copy is successfully created, and false if it fails.

#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;
using std::string;
using std::cerr;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

bool backupFile(string FileName) {
    cout << "Creating backup for " << FileName << "..." << endl;

    try { // for debugging purposes
        string NewName = "bkp_" + FileName;
        string CurLine;
        ifstream FileCopy(FileName);
        ofstream FileBackup(NewName);

        if ( { // Could specify how file copy failed?
            cerr << "Error opening file " << FileName << ".";
            return false;
        while (getline(FileCopy, CurLine)) { // Copy lines to new file
            //cout << "Copying " << CurLine << "\" to " << NewName << "." << endl;
            FileBackup << CurLine << "\n";

        cout << "File successfully backed up to " << NewName << endl;
        return true;
    catch (const ifstream::failure& iE) {
        cerr << "Exception thrown opening original file: " << iE.what() << endl;
        return false;
    catch (const ofstream::failure& oE) {
        cerr << "Exception thrown outputting copy: " << oE.what() << endl;
    catch (...) {
        cerr << "Unknown exception thrown copying file." << endl;
        return false;

I've used a few catch statements to indicate if there is an issue with the input (ifstream::failure), the output (ofstream::failure), or neither.

During compilation, however, the following error appears:

error C2312: 'const std::ios_base::failure &': is caught by 'const std::ios_base::failure &' on line 42

To me, the error implies that both ifstream::failure and ofstream::failure are caught on ifstream::failure, which seems strange. When I remove the catch for ofstream::failure, it runs fine.

Why is this the case?

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