lundi 17 avril 2023

In C++, are using reference types for member fields considered proper usage? Particularly when memory is allocated and owned outside the class

When memory is allocated and owned outside a class, is it cool to use a reference member field to reference the memory rather than passing it through as a pointer?

I'm mostly looking for best practices and what is and isn't "proper" usage.

There can't be any smart pointers.

Something like:

struct Fizz
    std::vector<bool> m_results;
    bool m_finalResult;

class Bar
    Bar(Fizz& _givenFizz)
        : m_heldFizz(_givenFizz)

    void StartRunningThingsAsync()
        // Run calculations with m_heldFizz.m_results asyncronously and then
        //    return from the other thread using the signal
            m_heldFizz.m_finalResult = m_heldFizz.m_results[0];
            emit SignalStuffIsDone();

    void SignalStuffIsDone();

    Fizz& m_heldFizz;

class Foo
    void RunCalculations()
        m_usedFizz = new Fizz();
        m_usedFizz->m_results = {true, false};

        m_usedBar = new Bar(*m_usedFizz);
        connect(m_usedBar, &Bar::SignalStuffIsDone, this, &Foo::OnSignalStuffIsDone);

public Q_SLOTS:
    void OnSignalStuffIsDone()
        if ( m_usedFizz->m_finalResult )
            // Do some stuff
            std::cout << "Result is True";
            // Do some different stuff
            std::cout << "Result is False";

        delete m_usedBar;
        delete m_usedFizz;

    Fizz* m_usedFizz;
    Bar* m_usedBar;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Foo foo1 = Foo();
    std::cout << "Done";

I'm not sure if that's something that's ok over vs having Bar be something more like:

class Bar
    Bar(Fizz* _givenFizz)
        : m_heldFizz(_givenFizz)

    void StartRunningThingsAsync()
        // Run calculations with m_heldFizz.m_results asyncronously and then
        //    return from the other thread using the signal
            m_heldFizz.m_finalResult = m_heldFizz.m_results[0];
            emit SignalStuffIsDone();

    void SignalStuffIsDone();

    Fizz* m_heldFizz;

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