I am using ML.NET for a multiclassification task.
My Model Output is defined as:
public class ModelOutput
public UInt32 PredictedLabel { get; set; }
public float[] Score { get; set; }
I am consuming this from a C++ (C++ 11) program using the OnnxRuntime.
The labels are 32-bit unsigned integers, but from a small finite set. I would like to return the top-k (say k=3) labels and their associated scores. Currently, the model returns the scores for all labels, but I do not know the correspondence between the label and the index for that label into the Score array. Is there a way to get that from the OnnxRuntime (in the calling C++ program) from the ONNX model?
For example, this article https://blog.hompus.nl/2020/09/14/get-all-prediction-scores-from-your-ml-net-model/ shows how to get the slot names. The relevant code block is replicated below for quick reference:
var labelBuffer = new VBuffer<ReadOnlyMemory<char>>();
.GetValue("SlotNames", ref labelBuffer);
var labels = labelBuffer.DenseValues().Select(l => l.ToString()).ToArray();
var index = Array.IndexOf(labels, modelOutput.PredictedLabel);
var score = modelOutput.Score[index];
var top10scores = this.labels.ToDictionary(
l => l,
l => (decimal)modelOutput.Score[Array.IndexOf(this.labels, l)]
.OrderByDescending(kv => kv.Value)
That would work if my consuming program was also a C# program. In my case, I need to access the prediction through the OnnxRuntime only. I could define my output model to carry the slot names for each prediction and then access it in the C++ program. But that sounds inefficient since the slot names have to be passed around for each prediction. Is there any way around this?
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