mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Is it possible for C++ to write a template that takes a Container as parameter?

I would try to put my point clear by an example:

We have

template <class RandomAccessIterator>
void sort (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last);

But I'm think of if it is ok to make it more convenient

template <typename T> void sort(std::vector<T>& container) {
std::sort( container.begin(), container.end() );
template <typename T> void sort(std::list<T>& container);
template <typename T> void sort(std::array<T>& container);

You know there are many container types, it is possible to code once for all the container types?

void sort(ContainerType<ElementType> &container);
//and container should have begin() and end() methods, otherwise the compiler would warn me.

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