lundi 29 juin 2015

C++ Regex from Visual Studio 2013 compatibility

This is a follow-up on a long journey where I've pulled my hair out extracting text from parsing GLSL shader files using regex in C++11 with VS 2013 rc5.

Here is the intendant result:

Real time work editor here!

The C++ equivalent looks like this, which is a copycat of the PHP version:

std::smatch u;
std::string s = l_shader->GetData();
std::smatch u;
std::regex_search(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), u, std::regex("<(\\S+)[!]>([.*\\s*\\S*]*?)<[!]\\S+>"));

Unfortunately, std::regex_search doesn't return any results. I've been banging my head trying to figure it out. What am I missing?

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