mardi 30 juin 2015

"Overloading" constructors with SFINAE

Why does the the following attempt at overloading the constructor Foo::Foo fail? Also, I'd appreciate alternatives/workarounds

#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>

namespace xyz
    struct MemoryManager{};

    template<typename T , typename Alloc=MemoryManager>
    class vector

template<typename T, template<typename,typename> class V , typename A>
struct Foo
    template<typename U = T ,
             typename Dummy = typename std::enable_if<
                 std::is_same<std::vector<U>, V<U,A> >::value >::type >
    Foo() // when instantiated with the std vector

    template<typename U = T ,
             typename Dummy = typename std::enable_if<
                 std::is_same<xyz::vector<U>, V<U,A> >::value >::type >
    Foo() // when instantiated with my custom vector

int main()

Error message:

23:3: error: ‘template<class T, template<class, class> class V, class A> template<class U, class Dummy> Foo<T, V, A>::Foo()’ cannot be overloaded
   Foo() // when instantiated with my custom vector

18:3: error: with ‘template<class T, template<class, class> class V, class A> template<class U, class Dummy> Foo<T, V, A>::Foo()’
   Foo() // when instantiated with the std vector

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