jeudi 30 juillet 2015

Why doesn't narrowing affect overload resolution?

Consider the following:

struct A {
    A(float ) { }
    A(int ) { }

int main() {
    A{1.1}; // error: ambiguous

This fails to compile with an error about an ambiguous overload of A::A. Both candidates are considered viable, because the requirement is simply:

Second, for F to be a viable function, there shall exist for each argument an implicit conversion sequence ( that converts that argument to the corresponding parameter of F.

While there is an implicit conversion sequence from double to int, the A(int ) overload isn't actually viable (in the canonical, non-C++-standard sense) - that would involve a narrowing conversion and thus be ill-formed.

Why are narrowing conversions not considered in the process of determining viable candidates? Are there any other situations where an overload is considered ambiguous despite only one candidate being viable?

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