vendredi 28 août 2015

C++ Composition with abstract class

Lets say I have an abstract class that is expensive to create and copy:

class AbstractBase {
    AbstractBase() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 50000000; ++i) {

    virtual void doThing() = 0;

    vector<int> values;

It has two subclasses FirstDerived:

class FirstDerived : public AbstractBase {
    void doThing() {
        std::cout << "I did the thing in FirstDerived!\n";


and SecondDerived:

class SecondDerived : public AbstractBase {
    void doThing() {
        std::cout << "I did the thing in SecondDerived!\n";

Further, I would like to make a class that utilizes FirstDerived or SecondDerived using composition (not aggregation). Meaning that I want ComposedOfAbstractBase to own whichever temporary is passed in. If I weren't using abstract classes in this class would look like: (in C++11)

class ComposedOfWhicheverDerived {
    ComposedOfWhicheverDerived(AbstractBase abstract_base) : abstract_base(std::move(abstract_base)) {;}
    AbstractBase abstract_base;

However, this does not work with abstract classes because I cannot ever create an instance of AbstractBase, even if I am careful about not passing in a temporary AbstractBase, like so:

ComposedOfWhicheverDerived a(FirstDerived());

To the compiler this is just as bad as:

ComposedOfWhicheverDerived b(AbstractBase());

Because I still have an instance of AbstractBase in the class declaration.

The next solution I came up with is:

class ComposedOfAbstractBase {
    ComposedOfAbstractBase(AbstractBase&& abstract_base) : some_derived_instance(abstract_base) {;}

    AbstractBase& some_derived_instance;

This works perfectly (even though I don't fully understand it)! Both of these instances are valid and work as intended:

ComposedOfAbstractBase a(FirstDerived());
ComposedOfAbstractBase b(SecondDerived());

It doesn't create a copy of whatever AbstractBase temporary is passed in, and storing a reference to an AbstractBase is allowed. Though at best the reference to an rvalue reference seems unclear: it does not convey that ComposedOfAbstractBase owns whichever temporary is passed in. In addition to that, it turns out that this solution seems to be sub-optimal. To show this I created this class:

class ComposedOfFirstDerived {
    ComposedOfFirstDerived(FirstDerived first_derived) : first_derived(std::move(first_derived)) {;}

    FirstDerived first_derived;

Which can only take in a FirstDerived, so we can apply the std::move to offload ownership of the temporary. I can make an instance like so:

ComposedOfFirstDerived c(FirstDerived()); 

Interestingly enough, this class consistently is 10% faster to create than ComposedOfAbstractClass.

Does anybody know what is going on here? Why is ComposedOfFirstDerived so much faster to create than ComposedOfAbstractBase? Is there a better way to do composition with abstract classes or am I stuck with a sub-optimal solution?

Sorry if this was a mouthful of a question. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read through it and give a genuine answer, because I am beyond stumped!

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