vendredi 28 août 2015

restrict a template function, to only allow certain types

Here say I have a simple template function that in principle can accept all kind of types:

template <class Type>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Type subject) {
stream << "whatever, derived from subject\n";
return stream; }

I only want to use this template to cout a few types, say std::vector and boost::array objects. However whenever I use cout to other types even elementary types, e.g. std::cout << int(5);, will be a compilation error, because there are two possible implementations of operator<<(std::ostream, int) now, one is in standard c++, the other specified by my template function.

I would like to ask, is it possible to restrict my template function, so that it only accepts a few types specified by me? That is how to tell the compiler to ignore my template when i use cout << int(5). Thanks in advance.

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