jeudi 31 décembre 2015

C++ code working on local MacOx but showing error on linux server

I did a project on C++. The project contains several cpp files and .h files. The project runs fine on my iMac but when I tried to run the same code on a linux sever, it is showing a lots of errors. some of the error are like:

'string' was not declared in this scope
typedef std::vector<pair<long, string> > allelic_reads;

template argument 2 is invalid
typedef std::vector<pair<long, string> > allelic_reads;

template argument 1 is invalid
void get_vcf_info(queue<string> &CH_NAME, queue<long> &POS, queue<char> &REF, queue<char> &ALT, queue<double> &QUAL);

Is this problem occurred because of discrepancies in C++11 compiler?

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