lundi 28 décembre 2015

How to use C++ std::move on object with asio io_service and acceptor member variables

I have a software to listen on ports on three NIC, so I defined TCPServer class which uses boost examples, although I am using C++11 and ASIO.

class TCPServer {
    asio::io_service& io_service_;
    asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor_;
    TCPListener listener_;       
    TCPServer(asio::io_service& io_service, const tcp::endpoint& listen_endpoint):io_service_(io_service),acceptor_(io_service, listen_endpoint){
    void quit(){io_service_.stop();}

I also defined a manager class to manage as a static kind of variable, so inside each server object, the code can tell all of the servers to quit.

class TCPManager{
    static asio::io_service io_service[3];
    static TCPServer servers[3];
    void static start(){
        tcp::endpoint listen_endpoint(tcp::v4(), 502);
        TCPServer s0(io_service[0], listen_endpoint);
        servers[0]=s0; // how to move here?
    void quit(){

I would like to move the temporary created variable s0 to be a static variable so it can be accessed elsewhere. so I am wondering what should be the content of the move assignment constructor? I do realize that asio::io_service doesn't have a move, so should I just copy it and let it destruct automatically when the temporary variable s0 is out of scope?


what do I do here?

TCP& operator=TCPServer&& other){
    ... // I intend to move/copy the io_service_, acceptor_, and listener_ variable to this
    return *this;

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