lundi 29 février 2016

Error in constructor receiving two parameters by value

Sometimes I find very useful, for simplicity and efficiency, using this type of iterator:

// Chunk 1
    template <class Itor1, class Itor2 = Itor1>
class Pair_Iterator
  Itor1 it1;
  Itor2 it2;


  Pair_Iterator(Itor1 i1, Itor2 i2) : it1(i1), it2(i2) {}

  bool has_curr() const { return it1.has_curr() and it2.has_curr(); }

  auto get_curr() const
    return std::make_pair(it1.get_curr(), it2.get_curr());

  void next()

The idea is to traverse simultaneously two containers, which may be of different types, through its iterators.

Now, for a reason I do not manage not understand, the next test does not compile:

// previous chunk could be included here
struct It1
  It1() {}
  bool has_curr() const { return true; }
  int get_curr() const { return 1; }
  void next() {}

int main()
  for (Pair_Iterator<It1> it(It1(), It1()); it.has_curr();

clang compiler (version 3.8) says:

error: member reference base type 'Pair_Iterator<It1> (It1 (*)(), It1 (*)())'
      is not a structure or union
  for (Pair_Iterator<It1> it(It1(), It1()); it.has_curr();
it.C:57:62: error: member reference base type 'Pair_Iterator<It1> (It1 (*)(), It1 (*)())'
      is not a structure or union
  for (Pair_Iterator<It1> it(It1(), It1()); it.has_curr();

And gnu compiler (version 5.3) says:

error: request for member ‘has_curr’ in ‘it’, which is of non-class type ‘Pair_Iterator<It1>(It1 (*)(), It1 (*)())’
   for (Pair_Iterator<It1> it(It1(), It1()); it.has_curr();
it.C:57:63: error: request for member ‘next’ in ‘it’, which is of non-class type ‘Pair_Iterator<It1>(It1 (*)(), It1 (*)())’
   for (Pair_Iterator<It1> it(It1(), It1()); it.has_curr();

However, if I change the Pair_Iterator instantiation by:

It1 it1;
for (Pair_Iterator<It1> it(it1, It1()); it.has_curr();

then everything compiles perfectly.

So my question would be:

  1. Why the first instantiation is invalid (I presume that because two compilers reject it)
  2. Is there any way to write Pair_Iterator so that the instantiation of interest passes?

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