lundi 29 février 2016

Performance of std::copy of portion of std::vector

I want to copy part of a vector to itself, e.g.

size_t offset; /* some offset */
std::vector<T> a = { /* blah blah blah */};
std::copy(a.begin() + offset, a.begin() + (offset*2), a.begin());

However, I'm concerned about the performance of this approach. I'd like to have this boil down to a single memmove (or equivalent) when the types in question allow it, but still behave as one would expect when given a non-trivially-copyable type.

When the template type T is trivially copyable (in particular int64_t if it matters), does this result in one memmove of length sizeof(T) * offset, or offset distinct memmoves of length sizeof(T)? I assume the later would give noticeably worse performance because it requires many separate memory reads. Or should I just assume that caching will make the performance in these situations effectively equivalent for relatively small offsets (<100)?

In cases where the template type T is not trivially copyable, is it guaranteed to result in offset distinct calls to the copy assignment operator T::operator=, or will something stranger happen?

If std::copy doesn't yield the result I'm looking for, is there some alternative approach that would satisfy my performance constraints without just writing template-specializations of the copy code for all the types in question?

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