jeudi 30 mars 2017

Is it required to keep promise valid when using its future?

Say I have a function that enqueues a job and returns an std::future that will be set when the job is done. Is it required to keep the corresponding std::promise valid?

std::vector<std::promise<void>> jobs;
std::mutex jobMutex;

std::future<void> EnqueueJob()
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(jobMutex);
    return jobs.back().get_future();

// async job loop
void DoJobs()
        // (...) wait for a job to be ready

        // finish jobs
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(jobMutex);
        // (...)
        for (auto& promise : jobs)

If I enqueue a job and wait for its future later on it is possible that the corresponding promise is already cleared from the job vector. Is this okay? If not, what would be a good way to solve this problem?

I am unable to find an answer using promise's and future's documentation.

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