lundi 18 décembre 2017

Function with a fixed amount of parameters determined by an integer

I have a class with a template that accepts an integer:

template <unsigned int N>
class Example {};

I'm looking for a way to define a (member)function that accepts some amount of Example objects as arguments. The amount is to be determined by N, so the function would be used like this:

Function(Example<2>(), Example<2>());
Function(Example<3>(), Example<3>(), Example<3>());

What I tried so far:

Using an initializer list, one is able to pass a set of objects to the function:

template <unsigned int N>
void Function(std::initializer_list<Example<N>> list);
Function({Example<2>(), Example<2>()});

However, the problem besides the fact that really only one argument is passed(the list), is that with this method any number of arguments can be used:


I also tried using a variadic function:

template <unsigned int N>
void Function(Example<N> e...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, e);
Function(Example<2>(), Example<2>());

This makes it possible to use real parameters, but the problem of using any number of arguments remains, and it's not possible to know how many arguments were actually passed.

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