mercredi 26 septembre 2018

Template declaration in function declaration that already has a return type?

So I'm following a C++/SDL2 programming tutorial series for 2D gaming. I was following along on this video and he wrote this bit of code.

using ComponentID = std::size_t;

inline ComponentID getComponentID()
    static ComponentID lastID = 0;
    return lastID++;

template <typename T> inline ComponentID getComponentID() noexcept
    static ComponentID typeID = getComponentID();
    //typeID below is being used like a function???
    return typeID(); //<- error and won't compile, I believe this was a typo

I don't understand why template<typename T> is put on that line for inline ComponentID getComponentID() noexcept. Why is that there? Obviously, there's no semicolon after a template declaration so I suppose it can be put on the same line but why? Is there something I'm missing? I haven't finished the video yet as this perplexed me and didn't wanna just go through the whole video copying code and not understanding it. Any hints?

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