dimanche 27 janvier 2019

C++ threads and variables

I have a problem within the program that I write. I have functions returning pointers and within the main() I want to run them in threads.

I'm able to execute the functions in threads:

double* SplitFirstArray_1st(double *arr0){
    const UI arrSize = baseElements/4;
    std::cout << "\n1st split: \n";
    double *arrSplited1=nullptr;
    arrSplited1 = new double [arrSize];
    for(UI i=0; i<arrSize; i++){
        arrSplited1 = arr0;

    for(UI j=0; j< arrSize; ++j){
        std::cout << arrSplited1[j] << " ";
    return arrSplited1;
    delete [] arrSplited1, arr0;


in main()

std::thread _th1(SplitFirstArray_1st, rootArr);

The above is not what I'm after. I have another pointer:


I would like to use it in a thread so it would be assigned with the value returned by my function SplitFirstArray_1st

arrTh1 = SplitFirstArray_1st(xxx);

Is such action is possible to be executed in a tread ?

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